🥉 3rd Place Medal Emoji

3rd Place Medal Emoji

Emoji Meaning

The Emoji Third Medal means a third or Bronze triumph in a competition. The object is given to 3rd position holder.

Note 3rd place medal, entitled “Third Place Medal,” was approved as part of Unicode 9.0 in 2016 and was added to Emoji 3.0 in 2016. 

Similar Emoji

🏼 Medium-Light Skin Tone, 🥇 1st Place Medal, 🏥 Hospital, 🎖️ Military Medal, 🛐 Place of Worship, 🚮 Litter in Big Sign, 🏫 School, 🥈 2nd Place Medal, 🏆 Trophy, 🔖 Bookmark, 💋 Kiss, 🧻 Roll of Paper, 🧽 Sponge, 🩸 Drop of Blood, 🥛 Glass of Milk, 🔒 Locked, 🔓 Unlocked, 🌟 Glowing Star, 🔑 Key, 🎖️ Military Medal

Also Known As

🥉 Bronze Medal

🥉 Third Prize

🥉 Medal

🥉 Medallion

🥉 Bronze

🥉 Third Place

🥉 Medallion

🥉 Award


🥉 U+1F949


:3rd_place_medal: (Github)

:third_place_medal: (Slack)

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