🔑 Key Emoji

by Katie J. Ray

Emoji Meaning

 The emoji Key conveys answers, hope, and solutions. Furthermore, this object could be a sign of a catalyst and the right path.

Note: Key was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015 and was included in Unicode 6.0 in 2010.

Similar Emoji

🚗 Automobile, ⛓️ Chains, 🔐 Locked with key, 🚪 Door, 🔥 Fire, ⚙️Gear, 🏠House, 💯 Hundred Points, ⌨️ Keyboard, 🛅 Left Luggage, 🔒 Locked, 🔏 Locked with Pen, 🔩 Nut and Bolt, 🗝️ Old Key, 🔓 Unlocked, 💛 Yellow Heart

Also Known As

🔑 Golden Key

🔑 Yellow Key

🔑 Door Key

🔑 Metal Key

🔑 Car Key

🔑 Gold Key


🔑 U+1F511


:key: (Github, Slack,)

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