🌟 Glowing Star Emoji

Glowing Star Emoji

Glowing Star Emoji Meaning:

Glowing Star Emoji🌟 seems like classic five points shiny stars ✨ around it. It is used to show perfect look beautiful flowers excellent work and to be impressed by something or someone. This nature emoji is also used in Snapchat as Unlocked in Snapchat or Trophy 🏆 case when the user scores 100. 

Note: Glowing Star was formed as Unicode 6.0 in 2010 and labeled in 2015 as Emoji 1.0.

Glowing Star Emoji
glowing star emoji

Also Known As

  • 🌟 Shining Star
  • 🌟 Glow Emoji

Apple Name

🌟 Glowing Star


  • 🌟 U+1F31F


  • :star2: (Github, Slack)
copy & paste emojiemoji copy and pasteGlowing Star Emojinature emoji