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Bookmark tab emoji is normally shown a one or more white paper with different colored tabs to indicate bookmark important sections or signature lines. This object might be used in the situations like organization tools, administrative busywork, and office supplies.
NOTE: 📑 Bookmark Tabs is a well-qualified emoji of Unicode 6.0 which was presented in 2010.
There is a list of similar emojis to 📑 Bookmark Tabs which are 📘 Blue Book, 🔖 Bookmark, 📝 Memo, 📙 Orange Book, 📄 Page Facing Up, and 📃 Page with Curl.
📑 Bookmark Tabs
📑 Stickies
📑 Flags
📑 Flaps
📑 Bookmark Tabs
📑 U+1F4D1
: bookmark_tabs :
Bookmark Tabs Emojicopy & paste emojiemoji copy and pasteemoji meaning