🧩 Puzzle Piece Emoji

Puzzle Piece Emoji

Emoji Meaning

The puzzle piece emoji represents a component of the jigsaw puzzle. This object signifies the activity.

Note: Puzzle Piece was approved as part of Unicode 11.0 in 2018 under the name “Jigsaw Puzzle Piece” and was added to Emoji 11.0 in 2018.

Similar Emoji

It is related to puzzle piece theory, vectors and stock photos, 🖼️ Framed Picture(photo in frame) 🎲Game Die(die, dice, die die die game,5924 games die stock photos) 🀄 Mahjong Red Dragon(Chun, a guide to tiles, mahjong meaning), 🪆 Nesting Dolls(purpose of nesting dolls, matryoshka dolls, Stacking dolls, Russian tea dolls, Russian dolls), 🛝 Playground Slide, 🃏 Joker(joker movie, character), 🧸 Teddy Bear, 🎮 Video Game(for example hill climb racing 2, subway surfer, etc), 🪀 Yo-Yo(for example Duncan toys), ♣️ Club Suit, ♦️ Diamond Suit, ♥️ Heat Suit, ♠️ Spade Suit, ⚀ Die Face-1, ⚁ Die Face-2, ⚂ Die Face-3, ⚃ Die Face-4, ⚄ Die Face-5, ⚅ Die Face-6,

Also Known As

🧩 Missing Piece

🧩 Jigsaw Puzzle

🧩 Puzzle

🧩 Pieces

🧩 Solution

🧩 Jigsaw Puzzle Piece

🧩 Piece of a Puzzle


🧩 U+1F9E9


:jigsaw: (Github, Slack)

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