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Video Game emoji could also represent talents, expertise, coordination, and indulgence. This object shows passion, in addition to leisure and pass time activity.
Note: As part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010, Video Game was included in Emoji 1.0 in 2.
👾 Alien Monster, 🎲 Game Die, 🧩 Puzzle Piece, 🕹️ Joystick, 🎥 Movie Camera, 🧸 Teddy Bear, 📺 Television, 📹 Video Camera, 🪀 Yo-Yo
🎮 Gaming
🎮 Gamer
🎮 Video Game Controller
🎮 Gamepad
🎮 Play Station
🎮 Wii U
🎮 Xbox
🎮 U+1F3AE
:video_game: (Github, Slack)
emojiemoji copy and pasteVideo Game Emoji