👯 People with Bunny Ears Emoji

People with Bunny Ears Emoji

Emoji Meaning 

People With Bunny Ears Emoji 👯 is represented as Bunny girls when an iteration of the Playboy Bunny. It is commonly depicted as a woman who is wearing very beautiful pendants. This emoji is also known as Kemonomimi in anime as a hybrid animal or human. The two-people version of the emoji is usually used for representing friendship, let’s enjoy the party, or for having fun. 

Note: People With Bunny Ears Emoji was added to the Unicode 6.0 in the year 2010 by assigning the name ‘’ Woman With Bunny Ears ‘’ and in 2015 this emoji was added to the Emoji 1.0.

Similar Emojis 

🕺 Man Dancing, 💃 Woman Dancing, 👗 Dress, 🪄 Magic Wand, 👯‍♂️ Men with Bunny Ears, 🎉 Party Popper, 🐇 Rabbit, 🐰 Rabbit Face, 👭 Women Holding Hands, 👩 Woman, 👯‍♀️ Women with Bunny Ears

Also Known As 

👯 Ballet

👯 Dancing Girls

👯 Let’s Party

👯 Showgirls

Apple Name 

👯 Dancing People Wearing Bunny Ears

Unicode Name

👯 Woman with Bunny Ears


👯 U+1F46F


:people_with_bunny_ears_dancers: (Github, Slack)

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