🧑‍🦼Person in Motorized Wheelchair Emoji

Person in Motorized Wheelchair Emoji

Emoji Meaning

The Person in Motorized Wheelchair Emoji 🧑‍🦼 on digital devices is represented as a single emoji on many digital devices. It is also a sequence of ZWJ that stands for Zero Width Joiner and it is a combination of a 🧑 person and a 🦼 motorized wheelchair that represents a person who can’t walk on his own. The emoji is represented disable people different styles by different social networking platforms.

Note: The Person in Motorized Wheelchair Emoji was made a part of Unicode 12.1 in the year 2019.

Similar Emojis 

A list of similar emojis for Person in Motorized Wheelchair Emoji are ♿ Wheelchair Symbol, 👤 Bust in Silhouette, 🧍 Person Standing, 🪑 Chair, 🧏 Deaf Person, 🕴️ Person in Suit Levitating, 🦼 Motorized Wheelchair, 🦽 Manual Wheelchair.

Apple Name 

🧑‍🦼 Person in Motorized Wheelchair


🧑 U+1F9D1


🦼 U+1F9BC


:person_in_motorized_wheelchair: (Github, Slack)

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