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The face 👥 shows busts in silhouette emoji used to represent generic profile of two profile.
Note: In 2010 busts in silhouette emoji was accepted as part of Unicode 6.0 and in 2015 Emoji 1.0.
👤 Bust in Silhouette, 📇 Card Index, 🌐 Globe with Meridians, ⚡ High Voltage, 🫂 People Hugging, 💻 Laptop, 🕵️ Detective, 🗣️ Speaking Head, 🖱️ Computer Mouse
👥 Shadows
👥 Silhouette
👥 Users
👥 Silhouette of Two People
👥 U+1F465
:busts_in_silhouette: (Github, Slack)
busts in silhouettecopy paste emojiemoji