🫂 People Hugging Emoji

People Hugging Emoji

Emoji Meaning

People Hugging Emoji 🫂 represents a special relationship between a woman and woman that’s why both of them are hugging due to affection for each other. Sometimes, we also use to hug while having warm greetings. In this emoji, the genders of people are not customized.

Note: The People Hugging Emoji was considered to be a part of Unicode 13.0 in the year 2020 and then added to the Emoji 13.0 in the year 2020.

Similar Emojis 

A list of similar emojis for People Hugging Emoji are  💑 Couple with Heart, 🧑‍🤝‍🧑 People Holding Hands, 👤 Bust in Silhouette, 👥 Busts in Silhouette, 👪 Family, 💏 Kiss, 🤗 Smiling Face with Open Hands, 😊 Smiling Face with Smiling Eyes, 🗣️ Speaking Head.

Apple Name

🫂 People Hugging


🫂 U+1FAC2


:people_hugging: (Slack)

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