5 feet to inches | 60 inches |
Inches and feet are commonly used for smaller quantifications. Both inches and feet are basic metric units to estimate the distance or length of an entity. Inches are used as small units.
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5ft is equal to 60 inches:
5 ft = (5ft x 12) =60 inches
We can calculate the distance ‘H’ in inches (″) by multiplying the distance ‘H’ in feet (ft) with 12:
d(″) =d(ft) x 12
Convert 15 feet to inches:
d(″) = 15ft x 12= 180 inches
One inch is equal to 0.0833333 foot:
1″ = 1″ / 12= 0.0833333 ft
One foot is equal to 12 inches:
1 ft = 1ft x 12″ = 12 ″
Feet (ft) | Inches (“) |
6 feet to inches | 72 in |
5 feet to inches | 60 in |