Top 12 Useful Plants For Animals

by heatfeed

Plants and animals have a special relationship, and certain critters know which leaves to nibble on when they’re not feeling well. Dive in and explore 12 of the most advantageous plants for animal well-being.

1. Cannabis

Alternative health trends favor cannabis and related products for their potential therapeutic uses. CBD, in particular, is a firm favorite for humans and animals alike. There are various products made with the compound, including oils, tinctures, and topicals.

Research regarding the efficiency of cannabis products is limited, but many reports see positive results. This compound doesn’t have psychoactive properties but offers the potential to enhance various medical treatments.

Some of the reported advantages include:

  • Analgesic properties
  • Anti-inflammatory qualities
  • Relief from seizures
  • Improved appetite
  • Nausea relief
  • Calming effects

2. Sunflowers

These eye-catching flowers offer more than just aesthetics. Animals who eat them get a delicious serving of protein, fiber, and fats. They’re believed to be anti-inflammatory with immune-boosting qualities. 

Some individuals administer sunflowers to their animals for improved digestion and increased energy levels. It’s also a healthy way to help underweight critters consume an adequate amount of calories.

3. Clover

Clover is one of those crops that reminds people of the importance of plants. It falls into the category of legumes and has a high nutritional value. Clover offers protein and fiber while facilitating optimal digestive health.

It’s mainly known as a forage crop, but there are reports it may have healing benefits. As with many natural options, research is limited. Some compounds in clover may assist with inflammation and tissue repair.

Anecdotal data suggests it may help with wound recovery, respiratory issues, and digestive disorders. Further studies are required to fully understand the potential of this crop.

4. Wild Berries

The importance of the relationship between plants and animals is clear in the case of wild berries. This food source provides antioxidants and vitamins. In return, the animals assist with seed dispersal for the crop.

5. Grasses

There are several unexpected uses for plants. One example is grasses. While there’s no mistaking the nutritional value, grasses are also beneficial for healthy teeth and gums as they stimulate saliva production. 

They also aid digestive health, thanks to their high fiber content, and help prevent diseases with antioxidant compounds. Some animals that rarely eat crops graze on these weeds when they’re not feeling well.

Canines chew on grass when they’re ill or experiencing digestive issues. Research suggests they do this to induce vomiting or relieve discomfort. They may also consume it for additional nutrients or fiber.

6. Acacia

One of the most advantageous flowering plants is acacia. There are many varieties of this crop, and people from around the world turn to it for its reported healing properties for animals. 

Dairy farmers claim it helps boost milk production and the overall well-being of cows. Other reported qualities include improved gut health and reduced bloating. 

The benefits aren’t limited to animals that only eat plants. Certain omnivores also select it for health purposes. In some regions, people consume small quantities of acacia for its reported holistic advantages.

The plant contains several compounds believed to keep parasites at bay in the digestive system, particularly worms.

7. Kratom

Is kratom safe for dogs? While further studies are required, some pet owners have started to explore the finest kratom products for their furry friends.

It comes down to dosage and strain options, but it’s best to consult a veterinarian before administering natural supplements to your pets. 

The medicinal qualities of kratom aren’t currently FDA-approved, but it’s been used as a traditional treatment for centuries in certain parts of the world. Here are some benefits people claim it offers:

  • Analgesic qualities
  • Calming properties
  • Anti-inflammatory 
  • Improved digestion 

A popular way to administer these products is to blend kratom with food and serve it to the animal.

8. Oak Trees

Oak trees are useful to animals in various ways. They’re a primary food source for many creatures and provide a habitat for birds and squirrels. 

The bark of these plants reportedly has astringent and antiseptic properties which could help with various health issues.

9. Eucalyptus

One of the most healing, natural fragrances is eucalyptus. Many believe that oil made from this crop can help with respiratory issues, and tight lungs. The plant is native to Australia, but there are now various countries that cultivate it. 

Thanks to its unique compound profile, eucalyptus is used for treating various ailments, including:

  • Inflammation
  • Insect bites
  • Wound healing
  • Digestive Health
  • Pest repellant

10. Cacti

While many people know cacti can serve as a water source in an emergency, it’s a little-known fact that these desert succulents have potential medical benefits. These qualities are limited to certain species of the plant and may help with inflammation.

Other species may be edible, such as the prickly pear, which offers high nutritional value and fiber. It also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals.

11. Milkweed

These plants have intriguing properties, and people have used them for maladies and ailments for many years. There are reports that humans and animals may benefit from the various bioactive compounds it contains. 

Health issues that milkweed reportedly assists with include: 

  • Intestinal worms 
  • Respiratory conditions 
  • Skin afflictions 
  • Improving milk production in dairy animals 

Although there are multiple advantages, exercise caution with milkweed. It’s toxic to certain animals, so always seek advice from a veterinarian first. This plant is also known for being the place where monarch butterflies lay their eggs.

12. Bamboo

There are few crops as versatile as bamboo. It’s a renewable and sustainable resource for farmers and provides animals with protein, vitamins, and potassium. 

The crop is also great for animals’ dental health. It keeps their teeth clean and plaque-free thanks to its fibrous texture. There are also claims it’s got anti-inflammatory qualities.

Author BIO

Camila Millson is an experienced technologist of quality kratom products. She has over five years of working experience at Camila specializes in making kratom capsule technology. She also has extensive experience in developing technology for kratom tea. Working for a large company, she is involved in the manufacturing processes of kratom powder, kratom capsules, kratom pills, and other products. As well, she is knowledgeable about kratom legalization and can advise clients on these issues.