It is a well-known fact followed by all organizations across the globe to show professionalism at each and every step including when hiring someone. Regardless of the position that you’re interviewing for, it is necessary element that both parties show a professional attitude.
Whether you are going to interview for a position at the bank, or as a cashier at Taco Bell, you need to present your personality in such a way that they see the need to instantly hire you.
But these typical well-known things don’t always work out for everyone in the best way possible as it looks while talking about them.
An 18-year-old girl Megan Dixon came to know in the worst possible way that life is not always rainbows and butterflies and not everyone follows etiquette around here. I bet she may be thinking after this experience that she’s far better off without a job.
Imagine going for an interview with full enthusiasm and with 100% assurance that you’ll get the job as it’s just a waitress position. But getting rejected as well as being mocked as a result by the interviewer.
It sure can break the morale of anyone and additionally hurts a lot when it’s just a teenage girl thinking to make some extra cash for her tuition fee maybe, or for a summer break that she planned along with her friends.
When the 18-year-old went after a job as a waitress in a steak house, named Miller and Carter, she was sure that she was not very much different from the hopeful young adults who work in their extra time to bring in some cash.
Yet there was no such possibility that she would ever get an instant but debasing and embarrassing text from the interviewing manager of a job minutes after she walked out of the interview.
Only after leaving the meeting, the assistant manager of the job named Shelton Wesson texted her “It’s a no”.
And as any rational individual would have, Megan inquired as to why to which she was informed that she used ‘like’ something over the top and that it was all very ‘basic’ and fundamental.
And to finish it off for an additional professional edge they included an embarrassing emoticon at the end of the text.
And this is not where the story finishes.
Naturally, the 18-year-old girl could not bear the humiliation and the unforgiving criticism and thus did what the vast majority of the present online world does and bashed the restaurant online on Twitter. Her tweet acquired quite good attention and consideration and as a result, she ended up with an interview meeting with the Mirror. During which she told:
“Her phone was going off throughout the interview. I was shocked. The least she should have given me was some proper feedback. It was a really bitchy thing to do.”
The questioner, Shantel Wesson, was the individual who sent the instant message to Megan.
All things considered, we cannot say that it was solely Megan’s fault to feel the anger and disappointment that she was feeling over the whole circumstance.
On looking at all the attention that Megan’s story got, the restaurant reacted in a much better way than they treated her in the first place. They had this honest statement to make:
“We can’t apologize enough to Megan. It was never our intention to be disrespectful or upset her in any way. The texts were sent in error and were intended for our manager, not the candidate.”
After such an experience, we hope that the 18-year-old girl gets strong enough to move on from it with a positive vibe. She did learn some things from the experience too which may include that she should not be saying the word ‘like’ too much when she goes to give an interview.
And also hope that the steakhouse figured out how to have people with better manners and etiquette to be their administrating and interviewing managers!