Mira Rajput has been inside with her husband Shahid Kapoor and her two cute kids following the rules of the imposed lockdown. While Shahid has impressed his mistress with his exceptional culinary skills, on the other hand, his better half recently came out on social media with a very heart touching and kind post on how the little ones are also lending their hand to fight this mighty virus.
With her own two kids staying inside the home in this quarantine period, Mira Rajput appreciated the little heroes of the nation for their active participation in this lockdown. Being of such a tender age, it is very tough for them to just do nothing and stay locked in the house she quoted. Truly said by her that their worlds have been turned upside down. The love of sports will surely have to take a break. Watching disturbing news of many people dying due to Corona every day is disturbing for these tiny souls. They have fully supported and managed to keep themselves strong at this moment.
Apart from addressing the kids’ contribution, she also stated how their respective parents could help in this. She told that just by small hugs or compliments, and petite rewards daily will keep their souls enchanted and happy in this hour of tension. Spending time with them is the best thing they must do she wrote. Watching their favorite cartoons, cooking new dishes with them, or even playing every game they want to play with you can give them a bundle of joy, which is a must for these cute little homo-sapiens.
Clearly stating that this time wouldn’t come back, she made a strong statement by urging all the kids to continue their hard work of staying inside the home and the parents to continue loving them to the moon and back.