People who have had a worse summer than you

by Emilia

Do you think your summer season was disappointing? Perhaps you spent the summer season of this year-long nightmare sitting around while traveling and asking internal questions so you can visit the coast without bothering yourself again. Therapy to make your summer season look like it turned out to be the best yet and this is watching hilarious terrifying moments from different people from the past few months. Photos, and be glad you didn’t have such a terrible summer season as the following people. 

Never fall asleep in the sun with a bowl of cereal on your lap 

 No matter how cloudy it is outside, you should put some sunscreen on yourself in the summer season. This woman didn’t think about it and fell asleep outside with a bowl of cereal on her lap. They probably felt very stupid while their picture card was posted all over the net. 

Got a spray tan and then cried in the car 

 This woman started to combine with her clean spray tan for a healthy glow in the summer season, whereupon a tragedy occurred. She pondered the idea that everything was wrong in her life and tears flowed. Then she seemed to be in the mirror and her tears ruined her tan. 

She’s not “happy” now because her forehead is tanned. 

 While participating in the Color Run, this woman forgot to put sunscreen on her face. After twisting her ankle and getting ready to take an X-ray in the emergency room, she found that the stickers had left a brownish streak on her forehead. Unfortunately, the word “happy” was not appropriate for his current situation. 

Don’t just stand there and laugh, help me! “

 This guy’s got something up his ass. By the accident, however, he sat down with the small chair, but he became too big, and his own relative circle was simply watching himself and laughed as he struggled to get up. This is a kind of scene from a movie and honestly, we would not have assumed that a chair should be caught with the butt of a person. In hopefully they stopped laughing with enough help to help him leave the chair. It could be pretty unhappy if they had to call in reinforcements to help him find out. 

In search of its best selfie angle of the 

 Beach, we are not sure what this lady looked at, but a strange way to make a graphic. It, which has a higher perspective of the water, or was this. A good way to get the whole frame with the illusion of the picture. The concept behind it looks like a strange piece, but she did not seem to care if she had to look at it. 

 People who have noticed that this had been questioned when I forgot that it became public. However, it doesn’t seem like the right maximum factor for a crowded beach, who should we judge? This is what the network is for. 

Thank you to whoever posted this horrific picture of me 

 This woman started her lovely day of pool playing minding her own business while one person was determined to take this picture of her. This woman and he or she agrees. He almost looks like a grumpy garden gnome who has been tossed into the pool, but there aren’t many people who can come across as nice in this situation. 

 Things appear exclusive, while because of the refraction that takes place there, they may be underwater. In principle, they can appear constantly changed when they search the water from above.

Everything went well until you wrecked your car with the iced coffee 

 When you get your exact order from Dunkin Donuts, you know it’s going to be a great day. If you make up for caffeine every day and get a sweet treat, that person has decided that Dunkin should completely ruin your ideal day. Within seconds of choosing your coffee, it spilled all over your car seat. It’s not easy that they didn’t have anything to drink, but they also had to smooth out a large sticky mass that could completely remove a stain. From that factor, things went downhill. 

The extent of the itching on your back is unreal 

Just looking at this picture you must feel itching all over your body. We don’t know who it was, but it appears they wallowed in a mosquito net. 

From now on it is known as Sand Eater 

Whatever this girl was up to, she went horribly wrong and ended up with a face full of sand. It didn’t go as planned. Fortunately, someone was there to record their doom so the internet could see them. 

 It’s always fun to watch people demonstrate their gymnastic skills on the beach just before they hit the ground. Although the sand feels soft underfoot, it is not comfortable to land face down.