The 35-year-old Nushrat Bharucha came live from her home with her mother for an interview, which happened to be the first one with both of them together. The actress who was last seen in Dream Girl seemed to be happy with the company of her mother. She came all out in the interview to reveal all she had faced in her notorious childhood and also the time when she had been in depression, which proved to be a bad phase for her.
The actress graced the headlines in the past year, where she came out with a serious disclosure that she had gone through a bad depression phase. This revelation, even in the 21st century, was considered to be gutsy as most of the public still consider this as some kind of mental problem which is wrong. Nushrat Bharucha was praised heavily when she came all out with her problem, and her family was surely proud of this move of hers. All of the media people were also taken aback by this statement of hers.
Post-interview, when the Bollywood actress came back home, she saw her dad crying and was stunned by that. He was anxious and sorrowful at the time when he stated that he never knew his daughter was going through all of this. The diva also told that she never let her family know about her situation, but she knew that the thing with every family is that they know everything. This reaction of her dad was a guiding force for her. She never let these times overpower her and fought it with concentration. She didn’t even let herself down because she knew one day, she would stand against it and lead a happy and joyful life again. She also had the support of her parents as they unknowingly never poked her and kept calm.