The Incredible Story Of The Instagram Sensation That Started Out As An Afghan War Veteran

by Tashia J. Hansen
Hope Howards

How many of you grow up to become the people you fantasized about as a kid? Especially those of us who have irrational celebrity fantasies? There arenā€™t many. Someone starting as a young child hoping and wishing to be a model may as well be a statistical oddity.

How frequently do we reflect on our childhood ambitions as our lives progress and we settle into different jobs and basic, acceptable lifestyles? Iā€™m sure that happens rather frequently. Then thereā€™s the actual question: how many of us are willing to put our lives on hold and restart to realize our childhood ambitions?

One woman, in particular, matches this tale to a tee, and it isnā€™t even a STORY. Itā€™s her day-to-day existence.

Hope Isabel Howard is a fitness model and personal trainer who has amassed an impressive 850,000 Instagram followers. Sheā€™d also blog and upload workout videos on YouTube.

HeightHope Howards stands 5 feet and 8 inches tall.
WeightAt the moment, the information about her weight remains unknown.
HairLight Brown
Body MeasurementThe statistics showing her body measurements are not known.
Body TypeCurvy hour-glass shaped body physique
EyesLight Brown

1. Hope.


Take a look at this lady. Hope Isabel Howard is her name, and her tale is very inspiring! Hope is the United States Air Force War Veteran who took control of her life and made her goals a reality. She was determined to fulfill her childhood dream, and she did so. 

Hope has a strong mindset and personality. When she was 8 years old, she started her fitness journey and that s the reason she has an extremely sexy and perfect curvy body figure. As time passes, she started sharing her sexy portraits on Instagram and also her fitness journey. Hope has now million of followers and there is no sign of slowing down.

2. History

sleek body of hope

With her great looks and a sleek body, Hope was bound to achieve success in modeling. It was like she was made for this glamorous career. 

It turns out that all Hope needed to achieve her goals was some life experience and encouragement, since the rest, as they say, is history! 

3. Instagram

hope model

Hope has thousands of followers on her Instagram account. People follow her for her great content and fantastic personality. As a model and personal trainer, Hope has won the hearts and minds of thousands of admirers and followers, but she didnā€™t start on this road.

Hope, born and raised in Florida, dreamed of becoming a model her entire life. Indeed, as she recounts on her website, she has had this desire in her heart since she was just five years old!

Of course, as weā€™ve already discussed concerning our own lives, dreams arenā€™t always easy to come by, and Hope seemed to be no exception. Her desire to live the glamorous lifestyle waned with time, and she found herself joining the US Air Force. She was just 19 years old at the time, and like many freshly enlisted service members, she had just graduated from high school.

Hope was sent to Afghanistan as part of her military service, and she describes the event as ā€œlife-changingā€ for her.

4. Hope Howardā€™s Tough Journey

Hope came from a financially insecure upbringing. Her family was relatively poor and she spent her entire childhood living in a one-bedroom apartment with her parents. As a child, Hope learned the value of money at a very young age and this stuck with her as she grew up to make sure that she never had to experience the same problems again.

hope howard net worth

After years of hard work, she was able to afford a luxurious health retreat where she started working out and then gained the physique she’d always wanted to achieve, creating an Instagram profile that would inspire others. Now her Instagram profile is full of photos that spread awareness of how far she has come from other people struggling with weight issues or any other health troubles.

5. Military Life

When Hope talks about her time in Afghanistan, itā€™s easy to get caught up in her words: This was both the worst and most pleasing experience of her life because she grew tremendously and began to view the world in new ways.

Most significantly, she began to dream again, and it was then that she began to be more conscious of what she ate and focused on physical exercise. Inside of her, a fire started to blaze that couldnā€™t be put out. Lifting weights and eating a well-balanced diet literally saved her life!

Hope returned home after serving in the military for a total of six years, hoping to find encouragement in realizing her long-held ambitions. Hope eventually began to follow her childhood ambition of being a model with the support of her grandma.  

6. Stunning

Hope has uncountable followers from around the world. Because of her great personality and charisma, she has attracted a lot of people. But she is also brilliant. She knows how to create content that people will like and enjoy.

She is enchanting to everyone, from flawless selfies to stunning poses, and you cannot look away.

7. Selfie Game Bar None

Just have a peek at her! While wearing a regular t-shirt, her selfie skills on Instagram blasts the rest of us out of the water. She was made to do this.

But itā€™s Hopeā€™s charm and ability to inspire us all that genuinely sells her. Her beauty is undeniable, but her message impacts people all over the worldā€”focusing on not wanting people to appear or be like her but rather assisting them in their own particular and distinctive fitness journeys!

Indeed, Hopeā€™s words appear to ring true:

Iā€™ve always felt that everyone has a certain amount of attractiveness. While chasing my body objectives, I also believe in maintaining my long-term health. My objective as a personal trainer is to provide assistance and advice if you want to make a change, not to make you feel like you need to improve.

Hope is just like any other modern adult, except for being a wonderfully charming babe. Sheā€™s married to a wonderful man and frequently shares photos and videos with him on social media!

The couple cherishes each other and isnā€™t afraid of showing their love on social media. 

9. Married life with Cody Hook

Only 31, fitness model Hope is already one of the most searched celebrities of all time. People from all around the world want to know about her personal life. When it comes to her love life, she is a married woman with her longtime boyfriend, who is also a soldier like she used to be. They met in 2009 and according to Hope’s post on Instagram, they first met one another while they were both in the Air Force in England.

After the first encounter, they had a good vibe between them and soon began dating. Afterward, they shared a wedded bond in 2010. In 2020, they also starting up their Online Fitness Business together as business partners. As of 2012, Ƙrjan Wyller and his lovely wife Silje Noreng-Hansen are still sharing a vigorous love and marriage due to their ongoing dedication to each other.

10. Um, were they made in Heaven for each other?

They are a stunning and attractive couple. Hope chose someone who sees her as an asset and loves her unconditionally. She has gone through much in her life, and she thinks her man is perfect for her.

They really make a wonderful couple and a precious daughter, Isabel. Her Instagram posts show how deeply she cares to share her love for them both. It definitely won’t be wrong to say that their relationship is made in heaven, they are like soulmates who seem to complete each other perfectly. They are a lesson and an example for all couples on how to stay together forever without any disagreements or arguments!

11. Raising the bar on Partner Goals

We would be so fortunate in our lives. They have a couple of goals, from their body language to their style, everything screams that they love each other. 

12. Fitness Goals

So, Iā€™m motivated. ā€œFitness the entire pizza in my mouthā€ is no longer an option for me. Iā€™d like to have some of this in my life.

After all, I suppose you can have it all at the end of the day. Your goals may come true, and youā€™ll have an exciting tale of victory, self-discovery, and significant achievements to tell along the road!

Iā€™d say weā€™re all left with a sense of optimism as a result of this narrative. Thank you very much, Hope!

13. Rumors and Controversy

It is obvious that a few bad things can be said every now and then about celebrities – and some people will try to bring them down, especially when they donā€™t like the celebrity or are jealous of their fame. She is well-known for not giving too much weight to the negativity that pops up about her on a daily basis. 

Instead, she focuses on being positive to hundreds of thousands of fans who are young children and teenagers all over the world, who look up to her. She simply pays attention to putting out great content, which is why young people around the world keep on seeing her rise higher and higher in the charts!

Afghan War Veteranincredible stories of InstagramInstagram stories