Discord App- All You Need to Know

by heatfeed

If you play a lot of online PC games, there is a great need to take the time in order to familiarize yourself with Discord.

Essentially Skype for gamers, the service is designed for helping the players communicate and coordinate through private servers that also let you text as well as voice-chat with other people.

What is Discord App

Firstly, you have to know about the Discord app. This application is free, and the only cross-platform voice and text chat app of this kind designed specifically for gamers.

The application was created in order to replace other, voice-over-internet protocol services by offering features that gamers love such as those obsessed with massively multiplayer online.

It is fascinating to know that the Discord app allows users in order to create and join servers, channels, as well as chatrooms in order to interact with select groups of people that are based on something they have in common forming a tribe.

All the users are allowed to send direct messages to other users so conversations that are kept private.

Some outside the gaming community find this app useful and have started using it as a replacement for Skype or Facebook Messenger. Keep in consideration that the Discord app can also be used on both desktops and phones.

Common Attributes of the Discord App

  • All the users are allowed to access the app with the help of an internet browser, PC, as well as a mobile device.
  • This application is also designed for users aged 13 and up to use in real time when playing games.
  • In order to view content that is NSFW, all the users have to confirm that they are 18 or older.

Advantages of Discord

It is fascinating to know that the Discord application offers a beautiful Slack-like interference along with rich-text support that includes images, GIFs, videos, as well as files. Furthermore, this software is as easy to set up and use as any other VoIP app in the market.

  • Create/join servers

Discord applications also allow all users to create or join a server. A server on Discord is the same as a community of like-minded gamers with common interests in order to follow and talk about. 

People can create their own servers if they wish to have a private community. After the server is created, they can also invite their friends by sharing the server’s invite code. In the same way, people can also join other servers by using the server’s invite code you wish to connect.

However, in a server, if there are permissions, individuals can also add text as well as voice channels. A channel in Discord is the same as a group of gamers in order to talk about a single topic. 

As it is cleared a voice channel is for group voice calls, a text channel is a group conversation box and Discord also allows you to create or join and chat on an unlimited number of servers.

  • Beautiful interface

It is fascinating to know that Discord has a modern interface that lets you switch between channels, add hashtags, and upload game screenshots into conversations.

You can also embed almost all media types directly in the chats, and the popular GIFs, and can include emoticons as well in the chats.

  • Essential features

Discord application is responsible to offer powerful features in a simple interface. It allows you to add friends using their Discord tag which is similar in format to Twitter’s hashtags. However, it is limited to four characters in length. Along with this, it also shows friend suggestions that are based on the registered email address.

Furthermore, you can also add friends individually as well as also message them outside of servers. You are also allowed to even block direct messages from unwanted people. Discord automatically hides the messages on the server.

  • Security features

Discord app auto-encrypts chats along with other data to protect your IP address, unlike major VoIP solutions. It is fascinating to know that its backend server runs with DDoS protection. 

It also features an automatic failover mechanism that works to upstart the app in case of server issues. Moreover, in case of a server failure, Discord is responsible for auto-switch to a new server to prevent data loss.

  • High performance

Discord is specifically designed for gamers that make the least impact on your CPU, this doesn’t affect your game’s performance by allowing you to play seamlessly.

Keep in consideration that Discord servers are distributed around the world and you can select or connect to your nearest server to enjoy a fast experience.

How do I get started with Discord?

Once you have created a Discord account, you are allowed to choose to run it in your browser or install the Discord app. This application gives you many more customization options as well it is a must for anyone looking to run a server.

Once you are set up, you can start by creating a new Discord server yourself or sending out invitation codes right away.

You can also start the Discord app by using an invitation code in order to join a pre-existing server. By creating a server there is only a need for a valid server name, nothing needs to be installed.

It is essential to keep in mind that you can’t browse for servers in order to join the Discord app itself. However, it’s still quite easy to join an active community because there are many verified servers with open invitations which you can find with a quick Google search. 

How to Join Discord

We all know that there are several ways to communicate while gaming online. However, many of them are tied to specific consoles or platforms. Discord succeeds as it is platform agnostic and there are unofficial ways to connect it to your account, as well.

Discord is not locked down to anyone’s systems such as Xbox Live or PlayStation Network. Not being tethered to a game console strengthens Discord’s argument as well as non-gaming uses such as talking to family or classmates.

Keep in consideration that Discord is as easy as using the service on the desktop browser or downloading the free app available for Android, iOS, macOS, Linux, and Windows. From there the user joins a server by searching for one, accepting an invite as well as creating their own. 

It is surprising to know that a single user can join up to 100 servers, and can adjust which servers want to receive notifications from.

A user can even give a different nickname for each server you join. Moreover, you are also allowed to invite friends from one server onto another, though friends don’t need to share a server to communicate directly.

What Makes Discord Better

If you want just to talk with a small group while playing some games, Skype and Discord will get the job done.

It is fascinating to know that Discord stands out by giving you the option in order to run the app in a browser by letting you change individual people’s mic levels as well as offering an overall lower-latency voice chat that helps a lot while talking to people across the globe.

Where can I use Discord?

Discord is available on Windows, Mac computers, and mobile phones and can be accessed by downloading and running an in-browser from the official website. The browser version also has some limitations that are not being able to detect a webcam and multiple audio devices.

Furthermore, the browser version will not use the screen-share function that allows the users to stream the desktops as well as specific windows to up to nine other people.

Keep in knowledge that Discord is also available for Android and iOS devices as well as includes many of the same features on mobile that you see on the desktop.

However, screen sharing is notably absent from mobile versions. In order to overcome this issue, you can make video calls with all users and receive screen-share videos from desktop users.

Discord for large groups

We all know that managing large groups of people is arguably and Discord shines the most. While you make a Discord server, you also make separate channels along with different levels of access permissions for various users.

It also prevents popular servers from putting everyone in one giant message thread as well as a voice-chat channel.

Several automated admin and moderation tools also keep things from going too far off the rails, if your server doesn’t have a single human moderator.

A big server can have over 100 thousand users, the usual culprits like PUBG and Minecraft accounting for the biggest groups. 

However, a well-managed Discord server also resembles an organized message board in several ways, with a locked announcement as well as guideline threads up top and several more-specific locations for all the people in order to gather down below. The difference is, everything is flowing in real-time and channels have voice chat enabled.

Discord for Small Groups

If you want to play with just a dozen or fewer friends, Discord is also a very good tool in order to keep tabs on who’s available to play.

Discord notifies others of what game you are playing so users do not have to check three different programs to see who is online and what everyone is doing.

Final Thoughts

Discord is specifically built for 21st-century gamers by bringing a gamut of features and functionality into one app.

Unlike the tedious chat interfaces, Discord allows you to manage conversations in servers as well as channels along with several customization options that suit your needs. The application allows you to get a lot of amazing features for free.