20 Walmart people who took being weird to another level

by heatfeed

There are normal people and then there are Walmart people who came to shop but got taken away with the magic of unique things. There’s a huge difference between the two honestly speaking. No doubt Walmart offers easy and cheap access to everything of daily use but there are a few people who take it way too emotionally that too in a weird way. Here is a list of 20 strange instances proving that Walmart sure is a place where you get to see weirdness to a whole other level.

  1. Spa days are off the edge

See what the whole crisis has done to the poor sorority girls. They couldn’t find any time to visit the spa-like usual so all the grown hair have taken over their whole body. The hairy girl wears short clothes and is still confident in front of the public. Her confidence makes her imperfectly perfect.

  1. Laundry day

It probably was a laundry day so they had to wash literally every cloth in the closet. But what if you run out of washing powder at the last moment? Of course, you rush to Walmart! but thank God they had at least something to wear. On laundry day they do have not any clothes to wear so he wears underwear and doing shopping.

  1. Leopard prints everywhere

These ladies most likely drooled over these leopard-printed jumpsuits at Walmart and just couldn’t resist themselves to put them on. How cute! Leopard-printed suits are looking cute and different at the same time. Everyone is attracted to them.

  1. Spaceman alert!

What do you think the spacemen eat in space? Of course, they need supplies too. What’s the big deal if this spaceman wanted to gather some supplies before heading out for space. Walmart has something for you too big man! Walmart has goods for spacemen. Eating items supplied to spacemen are available.

  1. Onboard the Walmart train

You need to step out as this senior citizen Walmart train approaches. I guess they have a whole party mode on. The amazing train at Walmart creates a friendly environment. People are sitting on them and busy shopping without getting tired and uncomfortable.

  1. Always up for a picture

Wow, this person must be a Photoholic to never say no to a picture even if it’s in front of packaged food that too without a shirt. He must have forgotten to put on a shirt in a hurry on his way to Walmart.  A Photoholic person taking pictures in front of packages makes a meme. It was hilarious to see him without a shirt.

  1. Cutest grandpas

Look at these cute grandpas fully dressed up looking just perfect. Grandparents dressed up like babies. And they are looking damm cute.

  1. Seriously??

Sneaker with heels?? Seriously?? I wish this picture had the face of this person who actually decided to buy these useless shoes. This is hands down the most trashy design in the history of shoes. If you are in love with sneakers but on the other hand you want heels so here is a unique item for you. 

  1. Be careful Nana!

Hey Nana! Watch out for that Nana slicer that you’re holding. Please put that back, no one’s losing a Nana today!

  1. More spacemen alert!

Well, this time they‘ve decided to come supply hunting in an inflatable spaceman suit. What are they trying to do? Defy gravity? They are wearing suits filled with air to refuse gravity. 

  1. Face shield

Is that a DIY face shield or what? I hope he’s able to breathe through that thing not to mention reading the box that he’s trying to do. A person is wearing a face shield made of a water bottle to protect himself. Along with the shield he is wearing a mask so it seems difficult for him to breathe.

  1. A true example of ignoring the signs

Okay well, this one has to be outside Walmart but come on man just read the damn signs will ya? A person is smoking near propane. Even it is warned that no smoking near flammable gas.

  1. Mission: Top shelf

Now she is a real genius to wear heels this high in order to reach the top shelf. It is totally fine to have a little backache to get those top-shelf deals in return. In order to reach the top shelf, she has to wear heels which may cause backache and foot ache.

  1. What an idea!

 Of course, there’s no safe place to put those glasses when crouching down. Not even in the pocket, not by the neck of the shirt, but to put them by the butt is the safest place of all. Dont break those glasses while putting them in your pocket. Butt is the best place.

  1. She doesn’t care, does she?

Honestly speaking, she is not strange at all but she sure is exhausted as hell. Who says we can’t take a power nap wherever we want? She is taking a power nap while working. It is not strange for her.

  1. Walmart marriage

Want a themed wedding? What about a Walmart-themed wedding inside an actual Walmart store? Oh, wait! It’s more like a destination wedding now! The best Walmart-themed wedding is inside a Walmart store with shopping as a wedding gift.

  1. A secret’s always a secret

We need to make sure his secret stays safe with us. Of course, no one will ever know buddy! He is telling his secret and also wants to keep it secret. 

  1. A Big furry shirt

What nice fur on that shirt! Looks like it’s handmade. Oh, wait! Is that really a shirt or …. A hairy body looks like a shirt with a lot of furs. Actually, his body looks like having furr.

  1. The forehead .. of course!

There’s no harm in being a little bit extra safe. To be extra safe he is wearing a mask on his forehead. It looks like he has corona phobia.

  1. New shoe design

This guy is living way ahead of us all. Who needs a shoe sole? that’s too backward! Just tie a shoestring and you’re good to go! That design is one hell of a head-turner for sure. Shoes without soles are looking wired.
