🖲️ Trackball Emoji

Trackball Emoji

Emoji Meaning

Trackball Emoji🖲️  A pair of flat spots suggest buttons and a blue ball sandwiched in the middle. This object is sometimes represented with a red ball and an oval holder. In essence, the Trackball Emoji is a replacement for the Mouse. This emoji, which has the same functions and a similar appearance to a computer mouse, also represents navigation and selecting.


As part of Unicode 7.0, Trackball was accepted in 2014, and it was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Trackball Emoji

Other Names :

🖲️ Mouse

🖲️ Upside-Down Mouse

🖲️ Tracking Device

🖲️ Computer Trackball

🖲️ Navigating Device

🖲️ Blue Trackball


  • 🖲 U+1F5B2
  • U+FE0F


  • :trackball: (Github, Slack)
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