☭ The Hammer and Sickle Emoji

The Hammer and Sickle Emoji

Emoji Meaning

The Hammer and Sickle Emoji ☭ represented by a black -colored half-circular.

Note: The Hammer and Sickle Emoji became a part of Unicode 1.1in the year 1993. 

Similar Emoji 

A list of similar emojis of objects for the Hammer and Sickle emoji is  ☪️ Star and Crescent, 🏹 Bow and Arrow, 🛋️ Couch and Lamp, ⚒️ Hammer and Pick, 🛠️ Hammer and Wrench, 🖦 Keyboard and Mouse, 🔩 Nut and Bolt,  🍴 Fork and Knife. 


☭ U+262D

emoji copy and pasteemoji meaningthe hammer and sickle emoji