👕 T-Shirt Emoji

T-Shirt Emoji

Emoji Meaning

T-shirt emoji 👕is the image of a piece of clothing that is associated with casual style or sportswear. Just like other clothing. You can relate this emoji to Mean and Women. You can send this emoji to someone who loves shopping. 

Note: T-Shirt was formed as a part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010  and labeled Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Also Known As

  • 👕 Polo Shirt
  • 👕 Tee Shirt

Apple Name

👕 Polo Shirt


  • 👕 U+1F455


  • :shirt: (Github, Slack)
  • :tshirt: (Github, Slack)
emojiemoji copy and pasteemoji meaningt-shirt emoji