🎷 Saxophone Emoji

Saxophone Emoji

Emoji Meaning 

The Saxophone emoji is a famous musical instrument used to increase sentiments of romance and perhaps even seduction. The object is useful for weddings and love songs or dance activities.

Note: As part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010, the Saxophone was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Similar Emoji

🎺 Trumpet, 🎵 Musical Note, ♯ Sharp, ♮ Musical Natural Sign, ♭ Flat, 🕴️ Person in Suit Levitating, 🪘 Long Drum, 🪗 Accordion,

Also Known As

🎷 Sax

🎷 Brass Instrument

🎷 Woodwind Instrument

🎷 Woodwind

🎷 Single-Reed Instrument

🎷 Wedding Musical Instrument


🎷 U+1F3B7


:saxophone: (Github, Slack)

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