🧾 Receipt Emoji

Receipt Emoji

Emoji Meaning 

Receipt Emoji🧾a zigzag cut on the top and bottom ends of a white piece of paper with information about an item purchased. As its name object implies, the receipt is proof of purchase, which can be utilized for cross-verification and future product returns.


This design features a date of July 17 (World Emoji Day), Unicode 11.0, and Emoji 11.0 both providing receipts.

Also Known As

🧾 Printed Receipt

🧾 ATM Receipt

🧾 Payment Receipt

🧾 Money Slip

🧾 Shopping Receipt

🧾 Proof of Purchase


🧾 U+1F9FE


:receipt: (Github, Slack)

ATM receiptcopy & paste emojiemojiemoji copy and pasteemoji meaningmoney slipreceipt emoji