🖨️ Printer Emoji

️Printer Emoji

Emoji Meaning:

Printer Emoji🖨️ a rectangle with an input tray in front and behind a paper holder with several pages. The Printer object illustrates the printing technology that is convenient in many personal and professional areas.


As part of Unicode 7.0, the Printer in 2014 was accepted and added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

️Printer Emoji

Other Names

🖨️ Electronic Printer

🖨️ Print Outs

🖨️ Publisher

🖨️Publishing House

🖨️Press Person

🖨️ Compositor

🖨️ Typography


  • 🖨 U+1F5A8
  • ️ U+FE0F


  • :printer: (Github, Slack)
copy & paste emojiemojiemoji copy and pasteprinter emoji