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Outbox Tray Emoji📤It’s a white tray with a blue inside that appears to be made of wood. An upward-pointing red arrow is put above the tray in this emoji, similar to the tray in the incoming envelope. Emoji Outbox Tray object depicts the “outbox” commonly available on email services like Gmail or Yahoo. It’s the opposite of the Envelope With Arrow, which implies being on the receiving end. A transitory state, a place on a waiting list, or even a delay are all connotations of the term.
Outbox Tray was introduced to Emoji 1.0 in 2015 and approved as part of Unicode 6.0 in 2010.
📤 Outbox
📤 Pending Mails
📤 Sending Mails
📤 Delay
📤 Outbox Tray
📤 Uploading
📤 Sharing
📤 Outbox Icon
📤 U+1F4E4
:outbox_tray: (Github, Slack)
📦 U+1F4E6
:package: (Github, Slack)
copy & paste emojiemojiemoji copy and pasteoutbox tray emoji