🎼 Musical Score Emoji

Musical Score Emoji

Emoji Meaning

 The Musical Score Emoji is a collection of music symbols representing the art form’s technical aspects. An activity representing the art form’s technical aspects.

Note: As part of Unicode 6.0, Musical Score was accepted in 2010, and Emoji 1.0 was added to the list in 2015.

Smilar Emoji

🪗 Accordion, 🪕 Banjo, ⛪ Church, 🪘 Long Drum, 👨‍🎤 Man Singer, 🎵 Musical Note, 〽️ Part Alternation Mark, 🎺 Trumpet, 👩‍🎤 Woman Singer

Also Known As

🎼 Musical Chord

🎼 Rhythm

🎼 Chords

🎼 Sheet Music

🎼 Treble Clef

🎼 Musical Symbol


🎼 U+1F3BC


:musical_score: (Github, Slack)

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