🦠 Microbe Emoji

Microbe Emoji

🦠 Emoji Meaning: 

Microbe Emoji🦠 is the bacteria emoji grown under the Petri Dish 🧫 observed in the Microscope. This nature emoji is also used to show Coronavirus or for health care workers.

 Note: Microbe was formed in 2018 as a part of Unicode 11.0 and labeled in 2018 as Emoji 11.0. 

microbe emoji

Also Known As

  • 🦠 Cell
  • 🦠 Coronavirus
  • 🦠 COVID-19
  • 🦠 Germ
  • 🦠 Microorganism
  • 🦠 Virus

Apple Name

🦠 Microbe


  • 🦠 U+1F9A0


  • :microbe: (Github, Slack)
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