Ⓜ️ Circled M Emoji

Circled M Emoji

Emoji Meaning:

The circled M emoji shows the uppercase letter M in a circle. This symbol is generally used at metro stations. You can also use it when you want to express the letter M.

NOTE: Circled M was accepted in 1993 as part of Unicode 1.1 under the name “Circled Latin Capital Letter M” and labeled as Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Also Known As

Ⓜ️ Ⓜ Circled M

Ⓜ️ Ⓜ Metro

Apple Name

Ⓜ️ Circled M

Unicode Name

Ⓜ️ Circled Latin Capital Letter M

Code points

Ⓜ U+24C2

️ U+FE0F


:m: (Github, Slack)

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