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Card index dividers emoji is a set of file guides or tabbed dividers, as used to organize a file box or card index. They are generally inserted in folders to make it easy to find documents. This object shows multicolored tabs on top of it to categorize documents.
NOTE: This Card Index Organizer emoji was introduced in 2014 as part of Unicode 7.0, and was added to Emoji 0.7.
There is a list of Similar emojis to 🗂️ Card Index Dividers are 📂 Open File Folder emoji, 📁 File Folder, 🗃️ Card File Box, and 🗄️ File Cabinet.
🗂️ business
🗂️ organizing
🗂️ card_index_dividers
🗂️ stationery
🗂️ U+1F5C2
🗂️ U+FE0F
Card Index Dividers Emojicopy & paste emojiemoji copy and pasteemoji meaning