🧵 Thread Emoji

Thread Emoji

🧵 Emoji Meaning:

The last portion held loose or outside the spool, a cylindrical wooden tube with a blue (or any other color) bunch of thread, spun tightly around it on the solid surface below. This emoji expresses the meaning of stitching, commonality, clothing, fashion, tailoring, fabric, and togetherness. You can send this 🧵 emoji to your tailor with 👕 T-Shirt emoji if you need a 🕳️ Hole in your dress stitched up.

Emoji thread means raw material, the art of customization and embroidery, and stitching, also used in the activity of sense of connection. This object can also be used as fashionable from a broader standpoint. People also use this emoji in the phrases like these: “ what type of color 🧵 mom need?” or “It’s okay if you seem to be hanging by a thread, you can always climb back up 🧵”.

NOTE: The design of WhatsApp also contains a needle. In 2018, Thread under the name “Spool of Thread” was approved as part of Unicode 11.0 and was included in Emoji 11.0 in 2018.

thread emoji copy and paste

How to copy and paste Thread Emoji?

It is quite easy to copy and paste your favorite emoji anywhere using heatfeed.com. You have to just follow the given steps to thread emoji copy paste.

  • Visit heatfeed.com. Find the thread emoji and click on it.
  • Click on the copy icon and it’ll automatically copy on your device.
  • Now you can easily paste it anywhere you like.

Similar Emojis:

There are some other emojis that are related to 🧵 Thread emoji are 🪡 Sewing Needle emoji, 🥻 Sari emoji, 👰 Person with Veil emoji, 🧶 Yarn emoji, 👗 Dress emoji, 👘 Kimono emoji, and 🪢 Knot emoji. A list of related emojis to the emoji thread is consists of 🧺Basket, 🧷Safety Pin, 🧬DNA, 🖍Crayon, 📿Prayer Beads, 👚Woman’s Clothes, 👖 Jeans, 👕T-Shirt, 🎨Artist Palette, 🌀Cyclone, ✂️Scissors, or ⏲Timer Clock. Each emoji transmits a particular message among others.

Also Known As

🧵 Spool of Thread Emoji

🧵 Blue Thread

🧵 Wooden Spool of Thread

🧵 Tailoring Thread

🧵 Stitching Thread

🧵 Threading

Apple Name

🧵 Thread

Unicode Name

🧵 Spool of Thread


🧵 U+1F9F5


:thread: (Github, Slack)

emojiemoji copy and pasteemoji meaningThread Emoji