Table of Contents
Test tube emoji 🧪 is a left-tilting glass test tube containing three-fourths of bubbling green liquid with a few bubbles escaping the rim object. It represents a piece of equipment that is used to examine chemical reactions, the Test Tube Emoji. In other words, it’s all about combining, amalgamating, and experimenting. As well as test tubes, this Emoji can be used to refer to various ‘test tube’ related ideas.
Unicode 11.0 was accepted in 2018, and Emoji 11.0 was approved in 2018. Both introduced Test Tube.
🧪 Test-Tube
🧪 Test Tube Drink
🧪 Chemical Glassware
🧪 Chemistry Lab Equipment
🧪 Science Lab Test Tube
🧪 Culture Tube
🧪 Sample Tube
:test_tube: (Github, Slack)
copy & paste emojiemojiemoji copy and pastesample tubetest tube drinktest tube emoji