☪️ Star and Crescent Emoji

Star and Crescent Emoji

Emoji Meaning

The star and crescent emoji depict a crescent moon and star in the middle of the square. This symbol is often used for the religion of Islam. It is generally used to represent Muslims, Islamic countries, and Islam.

NOTE: Star and Crescent emoji was accepted in 1993 as part of Unicode 1.1 and in 2015 labeled as Emoji 1.0.

Similar Emojis

There is a list of similar emojis to ☪️ star and crescent which include 🕋kaaba, ⭐star, 🕍synagogue, 🇰🇭flag: Cambodia, 🇸🇬flag: Singapore, 🇵🇰flag: Pakistan, 🌟glowing star, 🇲🇦flag: Morocco, 🇫🇲flag: Micronesia, and ✡️star of David.

Apple Name

☪️ Star and Crescent


☪ U+262A

️ U+FE0F


:star_and_crescent: (Github, Slack)

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