🌾 Sheaf of Rice Emoji

Sheaf of Rice

Sheaf Of Rice Emoji Meaning:

This emoji shows a rice plant as a sheaf of rice emoji 🌾. It has green leaves that show nature with yellow sheaf heads that face towards the right side. It is commonly used as a symbol of crops. 

Note: Sheaf Of Rice was formed as a part of Unicode 10.0 in 2017  and labeled Emoji 5.0 in 2017.

sheaf of rice emoji

Also Known As

  • 🌾 Crop
  • 🌾 Farming
  • 🌾 Wheat

Apple Name

🌾 Ear of Rice

Unicode Name

🌾 Ear of Rice


  • 🌾 U+1F33E


  • :ear_of_rice: (Github, Slack)
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