🎱 Pool 8 Ball Emoji

Pool 8 Ball Emoji

Emoji Meaning

Importance, strategy, and talent are all represented by the Pool 8 Ball emoji. This object will be able you to feel more confident, both in the game and outside of it.

Note: After being included in Unicode 6.0 in 2010 under “Billiards,” Pool 8 Ball was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Similar Emoji

🏀 Basketball, 🍻 Clinking Beer Muge, 🏏 Cricket Game, 🔮Crystal Ball, 🪄 Magic Wand, 🎰 Slot Machine, 🏓 Ping pong, 🎾 Tennis

Also Known As

🎱 Billiards

🎱 Pool

🎱 Magic Ball 8

🎱 Eight-Ball

🎱 8-Ball

🎱 Eightball

🎱 Solids and Stripes


🎱 U+1F3B1


:8ball: (Github, Slack)

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