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The 🎍 pine decoration emoji is similar to pine leaves. Around the new year, this nature decoration is placed outside the homes.
Note: In 2010 pine Decoration emoji was accepted as part of the Unicode 6.0 and in 2015 it was added to Emoji 1.0.
🌵 Cactus, 🎏 Carp Streamer, 🌸 Cherry Blossom, 🎄 Christmas Tree, 🌳 Deciduous Tree, 🌽 Ear of Corn, 🌾 Sheaf of Rice, 🌲 Evergreen Tree, 🇯🇵 Flag: Japan, 🍀 Four Leaf Clover, 🌿 Herb, 🏯 Japanese Castle.
🎍 Bamboo
🎍 Kadomatsu
🎍 New Year Decoration
🎍 Pine Decoration
🎍 U+1F38D
:bamboo: (Github, Slack)
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