📓 Notebook Emoji

Notebook Emoji

Emoji Meaning

 Notebook  Emoji 📓“Notes” on an upright black-and-white hardback book, written in black on a white label. Any student’s notes can be represented with the Notes object, regardless of the subject. It could represent the art of observation, useful hints, suggestions, learning, education, and the ability to observe and observe well.


Unicode 6.0 formed notebook in 2010 and Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Other Names

📓 Student’s Notebook

📓 Notes Book

📓 Taking Notes

📓 Jotting Down Book

📓 Studies

📓 Studying

📓 Textbook


  • 📓 U+1F4D3


  • :notebook: (Github, Slack)
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