💸 Money with Wings Emoji

Money With Wings Emoji

Emoji Meaning 

Money with wings emoji💸is a bundle of dollar bills like the Dollar Banknote, but with heavenly wings on either side and a wavering upward motion in the design. The Money object With Wing’s emoji represents money that can fly. It could signify flying currency, liquidity, and the classic depiction of money exploding out in the air, among other possibilities.


As part of Unicode 6.0, Money with Wings was accepted in 2010 and included in Emoji 1 in 2015.

Also Known As

💸 Flying Cash

💸 Flying Money

💸 Easy Money

💸 Losing Money

💸 Money Transfer

💸 Flying Dollar Bills


💸 U+1F4B8


:money_with_wings: (Github, Slack)

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