🧛‍♂️ Man Vampire Emoji

Man Vampire Emoji

Emoji Meaning 

The man vampire is a male version of the vampire emoji. He is wearing a cap with a high collar and a dark suit. His sharp teeth represent his vampirism.  This is often used to indicate the people who suck the blood and life from others. Also used to show love for the nightlife.

Note: 🧛‍♂️ Man Vampire is a highly-qualified emoji as part of Unicode 10.0 which was presented in 2017, and was labeled as Emoji 5.0.

Also Known As

🧛‍♂️ Dracula

Apple Name

🧛‍♂️ Man Vampire


🧛 U+1F9DB

‍ U+200D

♂ U+2642

️ U+FE0F


:vampire_man: (Github)

:male_vampire: (Slack)

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