📒 Ledger Emoji

Ledger Emoji

Emoji Meaning

Ledger  Emoji📒 Book with yellow firm bindings on both ends and a metal spiral in the middle. By its visual description, the Ledger object depicts any spiral-bound book. This is a written record of key details, accounts, transactions, and so on.


As part of Unicode 6.0, Ledger was accepted in 2010, and it was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Other Names

📒 Accounts Book

📒 Book of Transactions

📒 Daybook

📒 Book of Journal Entries

📒 Register

📒 Spiral Bound Book

📒 Binder

📒 Yellow Book

📒 Spiral Binder

📒 Record Book


  • 📒 U+1F4D2


  • : Ledger: (Github, Slack)
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