Leafy Green Emoji 🥬

Leafy Green

Leafy Green Emoji Meaning:

what is this? 🥬 The leafy green emoji 🥬  is the image of romaine lettuce. Leafy greens are leaf vegetables. You can use this food emoji to show healthy food. This emoji also make a good combo with another vegetable. You can send this emoji with the 🌽 Corn emoji

Note: Leafy Green was allowed as part of Unicode 10.0 in 2017  and combined with Emoji 5.0 in 2017.

Leafy green emoji

Similar Emojis:

Similar emojis of 🥬 leafy green emoji are 🥑avocado, 🥒cucumber, 🥦broccoli, 🥭mango, 🧆falafel, 🥗green salad, 🥟dumpling, 🧉mate, 🥙stuffed flatbread, 🍒cherries, 🥩cut of meat, 🫐blueberries, 🍏green apple, 🍇grapes, 🍐pear, 🍓strawberry, 🍎red apple, and 🌮taco.

Also Known As

  • 🥬 Bok Choy
  • 🥬 Chinese Cabbage
  • 🥬 Cos Lettuce
  • 🥬 Romaine Lettuce
  • 🥬 Lettuce Emoji

Apple Name

🥬 Leafy Greens


  • 🥬 U+1F96C


  • :leafy_green: (Github, Slack)
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