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The keyboard emoji is the most common and important computer controller. This object is used to type on the computer, code, and studying, and even gaming. Normally represented as a gray tool with white or black keys.
NOTE: This is a highly-qualified emoji of Unicode 1.1 and was approved in 1993 and labeled Emoji 1.0.
There are some emojis similar to ⌨️ Keyboard Emoji like 🎹 Musical Keyboard, 🖥️ Desktop Computer, 💻 Laptop, 🔣 Input Symbols, 🔢 Input Numbers, 🔡 Input Latin Lowercase, 🔠 Input Latin Uppercase, 🔤 Input Latin Letters, 🖦 Keyboard and Mouse, 🖮 Wired Keyboard, 🎘 Musical Keyboard with Jacks.
⌨ Keyboard
⌨ Control Board
⌨ Input Device
⌨ Keyboard
⌨ U+2328
: keyboard :
copy & paste emojiemoji copy and pasteemoji meaningKeyboard Emoji