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The Japanese “Vacancy” Button emoji might also be roughly translated to “available” or “empty.” This symbol is normally used for open hotel rooms or parking spaces. Some people use this symbol with other professional emojis it means that you can apply for these jobs.
NOTE: Japanese “Vacancy” Button was accepted in 2010 as part of Unicode 6.0 under the name “Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7a7a” and in 2015 labeled to Emoji 1.0.
🈳 Empty and Available
🈳 空
🈳 Japanese Sign Meaning “Vacancy”
🈳 Squared CJK Unified Ideograph-7a7a
🈳 U+1F233
:u7a7a: (Github, Slack)
emoji copy and pasteemoji meaningJapanese “Vacancy” Button Emoji🈳