⏩ Fast Forward Button Emoji

Fast Forward Button Emoji

Emoji Meaning

Fast Forward Button emoji ⏩  is represented by a symbol that is shown as two triangles pointing towards the right side. Mostly this emoji is used for moving a clip forward at a very high speed. You can see this emoji on any of the social networking platforms with different styles.

NOTE: Fast Forward Button emoji was made a part of the Unicode 6.0 in the year 2010 by the name ‘’ Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle ’’ and in the year 2015 it was added to Emoji 1.0.

Apple Name

⏩ Fast Forward Symbol

Also Known As

⏩ Fast Forward

Unicode Name

⏩ Black Right-Pointing Double Triangle


⏩ U+23E9


:fast_forward_button: (Github)

:fast_forward: (Slack)

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