🏭Factory Emoji

Factory Emoji

Emoji Meaning

The factory emoji 🏭 exhibits an industrial factory. This place with flue-gas stacks releasing smoke into the air.

Note: in 2010 factory emoji was accepted as part of Unicode 6.0. And accepted in 2015 to Emoji 1.0.

Similar Emoji

⚙️ Gear, 👨‍🏭 Man Fctory Worker, 🧑‍🏭 Factory Worker, 👩‍🏭 Woman Factory Worker, 👷 Construction Worker, 🔧 Wrench, ⛏️ Pick, 🏗️ Building Construction, 🚧 Construction, 🔩 Nut and Bolt

Also Known As

🏭 Industrial 

🏭 Industry 

🏭 Pollution

🏭 Smog

Apple Name

🏭 Factory


🏭 U+1F3ED


:factory: (Github, Slack)

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