👁️‍🗨️Eye in Speech Bubble Emoji

Eye in Speech Bubble Emoji

Emoji Meaning 

Eye in Speech Bubble Emoji👁️‍🗨️is the speech bubble with an Eye inside it. This emoji is used to show something bigger. This symbol can represent the witness in the situation and you can use this emoji with Eyes emoji and Mouth👄 to show that you want to speak something.

Note: Eye in Speech was added in 2015 as Emoji 1.0.

Also Known As

  • 👁️‍🗨️ I Am A Witness

Apple Name

👁️‍🗨️ I Am a Witness


  • 👁 U+1F441
  • ️ U+FE0F
  • ‍ U+200D
  • ️ U+FE0F


  • :eye_speech_bubble: (Github)
  • :eye-in-speech-bubble: (Slack)
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