🪙 Coin Emoji

Coin Emoji

Emoji Meaning

This coin emoji is a gold or silver round-shaped coin and a portrait is printed on it. This object represents money, earning, value, and also the importance of saving money too. People mostly toss coins to decide something. 

NOTE: This emoji was accepted in 2020 as a component of Unicode 13.0 and in 2020 added to Emoji 13.0.

Similar Emojis

There are some similar emojis to coin 🪙 emoji including Dollar banknote emoji 💵, yen banknote emoji 💴,  Money with wings emoji 💸, Euro banknote emoji 💶, Credit card emoji 💳 and pound banknote emoji 💷.

Also Known As

🪙 Penny

🪙 Money

🪙 Silver Coin

🪙 Gold Coin

🪙 Nickel


🪙 U+1FA99


: coin :

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