🕯️ Candle Emoji

Candle Emoji

Emoji Meaning

Candle Emoji 🕯️A white cylindrical wax candle in silver candle holders, with a lighted wick and wax, melts around the edge. Object Candle is used to convey the meaning of a candle: it represents light, flame, spark, fire, and brightness. Aside from that, it could also imply melting and shaping.


‘Candle’ was formed  Emoji 1.0 in 2015 and labeled as part of Unicode 7.0 in 2014

Other Names :

🕯️ Melting Candle

🕯️ White Candle

🕯️ Light

🕯️ Wax Candle

🕯️ Lit Candle

🕯️ Wax Light

🕯️ Candle in a Candle Holder


  • 🕯 U+1F56F
  • ️ U+FE0F


  • : Candle: (Github, Slack)
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