📚 Books Emoji

Books Emoji

Emoji Meaning:

 Books  Emoji📚Three hardbound volumes shabbily placed one above the other, one blue, one red, and one green. As its name suggests, the Books object depicts a stack of books. Apart from referring to study books, novels, avid reading, and Education, it could also be a synecdoche for a library or a bookstore.


A book was included in Unicode 6.0 in 2010, and Emoji 1.0 was released in 2015.

Other Names

📚 Stack of Book

📚 Library

📚 Reading Books

📚 Three Books

📚 Bundle of Books

📚 Textbooks

📚 Pile of Books

📚 Education


  • 📚 U+1F4DA


  • :books: (Github, Slack))
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