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This emoji shows the metallic nib. The black nib emoji indicates the writing activity with a pen. This object has a close link with calligraphy and handwriting. It might be used when talking about thank you letters or sending cards.
NOTE: This Fountain Pen Nib emoji is accepted as part of Unicode 1.1 in 1993, and was labeled emoji 0.6.
There are some similar emojis to ✒️ Black Nib emoji including ✎ Lower Right Pencil, ✍️ Writing Hand, ✐ Upper Right Pencil, 🖉 Lower Left Pencil, 🖋️ Fountain Pen, 🖍️ Crayon, 🖊️ Pen and ✏️ pencil emoji.
✒️ Fountain Pen Nib
✒️ Pen Nib
✒️ Pointy End of a Pen
✒️ Quill
✒️ Felt Tip
✒️ Ball Point
✒️ Stylograph
✒️ U+2712
✒️ U+fe0f
Black Nib Emojicopy & paste emojiemoji copy and pasteemoji meaning